Yes, my husband was right; the motorcycle trip really was great fun. I was wishing for just a couple more days. We started in Seattle, then on to Josiah and Jessica's beautiful wedding near Vancouver BC; then over 1200 miles up the Canada Highway. Then nearly 300 more miles on to Skagway on the Alaska Highway. Here are some highlights.
Lunch at the top of the Space Needle.
With great views of Seattle all around.
On my 36th anniversary with my sweetie.
In Canada we shared a lodge for 5 days with these great people. So much fun! (Somehow, Wendy Felix didn't make it in this shot :(
That's Brian peeking under the light.
That's Brian peeking under the light.
Lovely wedding, lovely couple.
Lovely moms.
Jessica's mom, Kathy, on the left; Josiah's mom, Lisa, on the right. (my beautiful sis-in-law)
Due to a little breakdown at the beginning of the trip, we spent a day in Chilliwack. Found some fun places to visit. This little shop had yummy ice cream!
Mick, had to see if it was as fun as a motorcycle.
(It's the entrance sign for the day use area at Cultus Lake).
An old bridge, on our first day up the highway. No longer used by autos. High above the beautiful Fraser River.
Lots of beautiful scenery, wide vistas and a great highway.
Signpost Forest in Watson Lake, Yukon has thousands of signs people have put up. Here are a few of my favorites.

Wild goats.
I love Carcross. Last stop in Canada just before heading back into Alaska.
There really is a large sandy desert area there, caused by lakes and wind.
(raindrop on my lens)
We had perfect weather until the top of the pass heading down into Skagway.
Back home to rainy Southeast.