Monday, July 12, 2010

Boys will be boys...

Look at the toughest cowboy in Juneau!

(I think he needs a right handed holster.)

Check out the spurs! Latest addition to the cowboy look,
thanks to the community garage sale yesterday.

Felix thinks he's big enough to ride his brother's bike.

Enjoying Nathaniel's hammock.

...and girls will be girls.
My room often becomes Barbie Town when Luna is over.
I just LOVE grandchildren!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Janet, this Blog's for you...

Slacker, slacker, slacker; what more can I say!

So what's been going on in the past three months?
In May we had a one-day visit from the Colorado aunts, whom we love dearly. Aunt Edy and Aunt EttaMarie came up on a cruise and brought the best surprise; Mick & Brian's little sister Mindy was with them. It was such a great day for us Juneau-ites.

That's Mindy in the green coat with Dan and Ashleigh.
EttaMarie & Edy on the ship. (Don't know the lady in black.)

I'm currently beginning week 5 of a sinus infection. So fun! I truly hope I didn't share it with anyone at Tressa's wedding. And speaking of Tressa's wedding, Mick and I took a week and drove up to our niece's wedding in Delta Junction in June. Beautiful wedding, beautiful bride. (I must say, it makes no sense for the bride's family to sit on the side she stands on, as she is mostly looking at her groom and you can't see her face during the whole wedding. I think it's a tradition that should be changed).

We almost got into a major accident after just leaving Delta, but God's hand was on us. Left some good tire marks for a ways. Then we made it 11 hours down the road and only one hour from Haines when the transmission went out on the truck. Again, God's hand was on us, as it happened at the top of the last pass, so we coasted down past Canadian customs and through the US customs and stopped just 15 miles from DeAnna's parent's home. (38 miles from Haines and 4 hours until the ferry was to leave). DeAnna's grandfather towed us to his home and DeAnna's mom drove us to the ferry. Perfect timing. It could have happened anywhere along the long, lonely, middle-of-nowhere Alaska Highway. We are so appreciative of the help we received!
Saw lots of wildlife: bears, swans, moose. It really was a fun trip in spite of the above. Here are a few pix.
My favorite wedding pic of Tressa and Dan.

Cool old bikes in the woods. I actually rode the pink and white Schwinn, even with flat tires.

Last picture of the trip. I had to get this shot.

And here's a picture of the garden by my front door.

I so love the hostas on each side of the lupine. And the tiger lilies are always so marvelous.
Ta ta for now.
PS Happy birthday to my honey!