Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Proof that I'm still alive...

Well, would ya look at me! I am determined to try, yet again this year, to blog at least once a month. So here it is, the last couple of hours of January and I'm just squeaking by.
My last blog was in August, and lots has happened since then: a driving trip south with Keely and Luna, the arrival of baby Penelope, the passing away of Mick's dad, holidays, birthdays. Well, this isn't necessarily a diary, so I'll be posting whatever hits my fancy for the moment.
And for this moment: I've been looking at some pics we took on a rainy walk last fall. Thus the new picture in the heading. This walk was so much fun.
I love: wearing extra tufs
Moss hanging from trees
Dead salmon in the fall (when Molly doesn't roll in them)
How green and lush everything is

Hope you enjoy these pics.