Monday, April 6, 2009

Content with the simple things

Reading Janet's recent blog has gotten me thinking about things that make me happy.  Number one being: grandchildren.  Need I say more?
Here are a few things that make me content enough to smile:
Putting on brand new socks
Reading Jane Austen books in hardback  (aah, the thrill of just holding one!)
Going to a chick-flick with the girls
Fresh flowers, especially in my own garden
Smelling a new box of crayons
Halibut tacos at Twisted Fish
Those are a few just off the top of my head right now.

On another subject,  I'm not into politics at all, but this past election season has introduced me to Ann Coulter.  I enjoy her articles immensely.  Check out her Archives at

Adios for now.

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh, Ann Coulter. We like her...well, Matt LOVES her. She is very "to the point" and is not afraid of hurting anyone's feelings by telling it like it is. You know she's friends with Rush, right?
