Saturday, January 9, 2010

Linen Cabinet

I searched and searched for a linen cabinet for our new bathroom and finally found the one I wanted here. I liked the openness of this one, because I didn't want the bathroom to feel smaller, and also like the display shelves. My amazing son Tim built it the size I wanted. I had him put shelves below instead of all drawers. We don't have the door on, as it was a tad too big once I got it all painted; so Tim will come by and finish that for me soon. I couldn't wait any longer to let you see it though. I can't get far enough away from the cabinet to shoot a full view, but here are some more pix. I'm still playing around with what to put where on the shelves.


  1. Very nice.
    p.s. the comment problem seems fixed.

  2. I think your new bathroom is beautiful Sherrie!
    Can't wait to see it in person! Paulette

  3. Where is this new bathroom? Is this at the end of the back-entry past the candy-shelf beyond your bedroom? I LOVE this cabinet! It's perfect; classy, simple, and clean!
