Saturday, February 25, 2012

Not a lot to say....

It's February flu weather and the whole family is getting their share. I've had stomach flu twice in the last 3 weeks. It's Mick's turn today.
We've passed the current birthday onslaught: 5 family b-days in 5 weeks. We have a 3 month reprieve till the next onslaught.

I've been popping around in my photos and remembering people and places with a smile. Here's a few for you to see.

We always enjoy our few visitors from down south. Last summer my cousin Tim and his wife Karen passed through on a cruise ship. They're from Oklahoma. (That alone warms my heart).
They're both easygoing and fun and it was great having them here for even just a few hours.

Here's a small totem pole in a neighbor's yard. Too bad it's deteriorating,
but it's sorta cool even in this shape.

Felix being Rudolph. He's such a kick!

Here again are some shots from my window at work.
(I'm not posting them to make anyone jealous of my view all day)!
These were taken on different days this winter.

It's a pretty great view, even in bad weather.


  1. Wow!! What a beautiful view Sherrie...I always love your pix and Hannah's too. Sorry your all have been
    so sick..I hate the stomach flue...see you in May.
    Love ya, Paulette

  2. Sorry you guys have been sick...hope everyone is feeling better by now! Love the photos; how do you get any work done with that to look at??? Hugs to both of you....
