Thursday, May 31, 2012

That's me, just squeaking in under the wire again.  Last month, I really did post before midnight. But blogger must be set an hour or two ahead, so it showed as a May post.
So, what's new here?  Just enjoying our family & trying to stay dry.  In spite of our extremely wet May, I've got flowers blooming: bleeding heart, Icelandic blue poppy, lewisia, columbine.
Aren't they lovely?

This year my poppy plant is mega and promises oodles of blooms.  It was new two years ago, and last year only produced one bloom.  Patience paid off.  I'll post a picture when it's in full bloom.  

My beautiful Luna was in a ballet performance.  Here's a favorite picture.

Mick and I are preparing for a motorcycle trip this summer.  We now have matching bikes (purely by chance).  One is two years newer.  I'm trying to get in some good practice.

Just for fun: a few weeks ago Luna spent the night and wanted us to do each others hair and makeup.  Like a good grandma, I'm game.  So here are the before and after.

Keep in mind that an eight year old did this  :-)

So, there ya go.  Happy spring!


  1. Aunt Sherrie, the flowers are lovely! All of ours are already dead, what with the temps already flirting with triple digits. :-( Looking forward to autumn already, so the blooms will come back again.

    My Emy would absolutely love it if she could play with your Luna - a close in age cousin that likes to do makeovers? :-) Maybe one day we will get the chance to visit Alaska and let them play, hopefully before they outgrow that age.

    And kudos to you for being a hip grandma! I know my Em could spend hours styling my ever-so-short hair and putting make up and nail polish on me if I'd let her - she has to make do with half an hour or so each evening, when I kick up my feet in the recliner and let her do her thing. :-) Hey, this Mama will take any kind of pampering I can get, lol!

    1. The things I'll do to win Grandma points! Our flowers are really just starting. I don't envy your temps. I'm originally from OK and only like to visit there in Oct.

  2. Oh Sherrie,
    I sure do love you. You are so fun. I love that pic of Luna in her ballet outfit. And your FLOWERS! I want every single one in my yard. :-)
